Covered Bridges of Bucks Series – part 2 (Loux)

Location: Wismer Rd., Plumstead Twp.
Height Limit: 11 ft. Width: 15 ft.
Length: 60 ft. Weight Limit: 15 tons

This one is also made of hemlock. It was built in 1874, and is one of two bridges to span the Cabin Run Creek.

Nestled in a scenic valley on Wismer (AKA Carversville) Rd., it was built when residents complained about crossing the Cabin Run Creek unaided. A popular local boy’s drowning precipitated the construction.

Many think covered bridges were made to keep horses from being spooked when crossing. In fact, the roofs were designed to keep the decking and the weight bearing portions protected from the elements giving much greater life out of the structure. As you can see below, I used Loux Bridge to protect myself from a deluge in June, 2009


Covered Bridges of Bucks Series – part 1 (Pine Valley)


This is the Pine Valley Covered Bridge, which is located near New Britain. It is 81 feet long and was built in 1842  by David Sutton at a cost of $5553.50 of hemlock and pine timber. It spans Pine Run stream which may have been named for the white pine which were once abundant near the stream. Its the nearest one to my home in Bucks., located herePine Valley Covered Bridge is owned by Bucks County.This bridge is the oldest in the county. It is painted red with the white trim.


This bridge was once repaired in 1917. Then it was closed again in the summer of 2006 to repair the deteriorating beams on the deck and other repairs to make the bridge safe for traffic. Pine Valley is still is able to sustain a high volume of traffic that uses it daily. It had only been reopened for just a few months prior to an accident in 2007. An oversized truck tried to goo through the old structure and tore off some of the roof and damaged the support beams under the bridge. The truck driver never stopped at the accident scene. Even if the truck driver didn’t feel the hit to the bridge, the truck would have damage done to it. 


Each year the Central Bucks Bicycle Club hosts a covered bridges tour hitting many of the 11 remaining covered Bridges in Bucks County (at one time there were 36). On 2010, its on October 17.

Research courtesy of Sunshine Red.


Nantucket 2010

Some recent graphic memories of our trip to Nantucket..more to come I hope!

Griswold Inn in Essex, CT and Hyannis Harbor enroute on Wednesday


in town


vista on Milestone Rd.

Rabbit Hollow – where we stayed. thanks, Dana!


Panorama south of Siosconset


Sankaty Light with Jack Welsh compound on horizon

Sankaty Head Golf Club

Wauwinet Inn and Topper’s. We had dinner there. Read my mixed review on Yelp.
Watch on Posterous

Madaket Beach

Peddler’s Village Scarecrow Festival

A beautiful day, Sunday 5 September to check out the scarecrow festival at Peddler’s Village!


not only were the scarecrows creative but a beautiful day to enjoy the fantastic flowers and fresh air!

I hope you enjoy view them as much as I enjoyed being there! special thanks to my friend Tina Paparone for showing me around and Eve Gelman for organizing! Make sure to join them at their 2nd Happy Hour at Sweet Lorraine’s on Wednesday, 8 Sep!

I Love Everything Hot!


About 3 weeks ago, my wife says, “when are you going to pick those peppers?”

“What peppers?”

“The plants I planted for you this spring.” Obviously, I hadn’t been handing out in the herb garden recently.

Then I  went out to “the back 40” and not only were there pepper plants but 2 habanero plants with 30 pieces of fruit each.

So since then I have been trying to figure out what to do with them. I found a great island-style hot sauce recipe that I’ve tweaked after 3 batches. here it is below!


Barry’s Special Sauce

12 ripe (orange or red, in my case) habaneros, sliced, deseeded, finely diced
1 C yellow prepared mustard
1/4 C brown sugar
1/4 C white vinegar
1 mashed ripe papaya
1 T cumin
1 T chili powder
1 T curry powder

Simply mix all the ingredients together.


I wear gloves and goggles when handling the peppers. I learned the hard way after not doing so and removing my contact lenses after washing hands 4 hours later!
